Wednesday, November 11, 2020
We're Back!Howdy Auction Friends and Family! We have been rather quiet
over the past several weeks, but not without good reason. Some of you may know that Maxine had been dealing with some
heart issues over the summer. After trying several options to settle her heart rate, the decision was made to insert
a defibrillator/pacemaker to help regulate her heartbeat. This was done at the beginning of October and she has been
on restricted activity since that time. The timing of this procedure, combined with Kirk being in the middle of football
season has proved to be challenging in getting an auction ready. Trust us - we have plenty of stuff to sell, just not
enough time to get it together! That being said - we have FINALLY got this one together! So - opening tonight
and running through November 18, 2020 we present MAXINE'S BIRTHDAY BLOWOUT SALE! (her birthday was in October so maybe it
should read Belated Birthday Blowout) but anyway. Check it out at the link below and keep checking back because I still
have lots to enter -- This is a good one!
4:04 pm cst