Thursday, March 26, 2020
Online Auction Registration
12:54 pm cdt
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
March Auction is now OnlineOur March Consignment Auction
is now posted for viewing. Bidding will begin tomorrow night at 6 p.m. CST. Kirk will be posting a video tutorial
on how to register and bid on our Facebook page tomorrow morning, so be sure to check it out. If you have any questions,
feel free to call. We are available for preview - BY APPOINTMENT ONLY, PLEASE -- you may call Kirk at 979-541-6227 and he
will set up a time with you. This auction is in Hillje at the Auction House. We will be closing the auction on
Wednesday, April 1, 2020. We monitor all our online auctions as they close, so if you are having problems that night,
you can still call and we will try to resolve the issue. All winning bidders will be notified by email how to schedule
pickup times. We are trying to comply with the CDC recommendations on quarantine and social distancing, so please be
patient with us as we work through this together. We hope that you all are staying safe and healthy during these crazy
days. Anyway, browse through the auction, it will help you pass the time! Thank you for you loyal patronage, and as always
-- Happy Bidding!
12:31 am cdt
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
March 2020 Auction and Coronavirus UpdateHello Auction Family..... As you are well aware, the CDC
and officials are recommending that we limit our social contact with others and refrain from gathering in large groups, due
to the COVID-19 virus. With our auctions regularly drawing attendance upwards of 150 people, we feel that it is in the best
interests of our bidders and consignors to restructure our upcoming auctions. If you have attended one of our inhouse auctions,
you know that it can be close quarters and we all like to touch and and inspect all the items available. We want our bidders
to be comfortable in their surroundings and we also want to provide our consignors with the best effort to sell their items.
As a result of current recommendations, our auctions will be held online until further notice. We will still have preview
times available, these will be by appointment and pickups will be held at the auction house. This will allow us to provide
the best defense against the COVID-19 virus. This has been a decision that we discussed over several days, thought about and prayed
about. It is not one that we made hastily, and we can only hope that it is the best decision given the circumstances. We
appreciate each and everyone of our customers and wish to do our part in helping everyone stay healthy. We are currently working to get
our March 22, 2020 auction lotted and posted online. We will post an update with the information once we have it ready to
open for bidding. We are blessed to have loyal customers who have kept us in business for over 20 years and we hope to see y'all
again soon. Meanwhile we will be in prayer for each of you and for our nation, as we navigate through the current events. God Bless You and as always...
Happy Bidding!!! The
Moore Family
3:20 pm cdt